Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Today so far, has been wonderful.
We slept in, ate pizza for lunch and are now sitting on the couch watching Jerry Springer. :]

Our little man is sound asleep in his bouncy chair.
This little guy is absolutely amazing.
He was circumcised yesterday, and hasn't shown any sign of it.
He hardly has cried at all, and even when I change his diaper he's pretty much the same.
Just like my mom said, it's a lot harder on me than it is on him.
It looks horrible, but it doesn't seem to be affecting him much.
He still stays awake for about an hour, which seems long for a new born.
And he's still sleeping and eating the same.

It definately helps though having daddy at home to help with the diaper changes.
We're a duo, and it's a whole lot easier tag teaming the diaper changes. :]
Landon is such a joy, and I can't believe we were so blessed with such a perfect first child.

I swear I could sit here for days just watching him.
He's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen, and I'm sure I just say this because he's my own, but he is the most beautiful baby I have ever seen.
I mean, all babies are adorable, but Landon is something else.

My favorite part of the day is after I feed him at 630 or 7, and we're all laying in bed, and we sleep for another 3 hours or so.
He sleeps so soundly when he's laying in bed with us, it's like he knows we're all together and he feels safe sleeping in between mommy and daddy.

Today is going to be a very relaxing day.
Daddy finally has a day off!!!!!
So we're staying inside, because unfortunately the weather isn't as nice as it has been.
And we're staying together all day.

Our life is wonderful.

This was taken today in his chair
He loves sleeping in it.
Our little angel♥

1 comment:

  1. hey sister!! Love the pictures and I love hearing about the newborn days- takes me back to almost a year ago...:)
    See you soon!
    Kiss that Angel Baby for me.
